Tuesday, February 8, 2011

North Sudan State (NSS) and South Sudan State (SSS)" Past,Present and Future??!!!!"

First Class Swagga Car
Prince HA$$ANBee.IDRI$$
Welcoming Channel

Let us today Cele-berate with New Sudan(Southern Sudan) Rights:-

Sudan History of broken land

Monday, February 7, 2011

North Sudan State (NSS) and South Sudan State (SSS)" Past,Present and Future??!!!!"

North Sudan State (NSS) and South Sudan State (SSS)
"Past,Present and Future"
{In Africa and World Wide}

Can you imagine how much higher the quality of life for Sudanese people at their country land before and after Mon. 02.07.2011 referendum results would be?
Would we understand clearly the roots in civil wars both in Southern and Northern Countries toward getting save Human beings Rights in the regions by peace,Justice, and equality? Of course, defending people rights,too?!!
Can we get understand roots of the conflicts with relieving all Sudanese ethnic groups,cultures,languages,economics,etc.?!!
"K-Young-Sudan Africa (Akon Cover)": 

Oops!! Mistake on above song I guessed and confused which one K-Young meant by ""Sudan Africa (Akon Cover)"":
"K-Young - Southern Sudan Africa" Or
K-Young North Sudan Africa or anywhere else"
The songs words are"... So much Love to share, So
 much love to care,
So much love to give....Think a gain...etc."
.....I don't know....I don't know......???!!!
I enjoyed your Song K-Young, I was there when you visited Sudan and heard your song on the radio station"Mango".
However, congratulations to Southern Sudan separation day as a results of the voting polls of people choices and desires for achieving freedoms, peace,justice,equity, and prosperity in the region...etc.??!!!

Life Geo's On by 2Pac:

Will be continue....Will be continue....Will be continue....???!!!
***    ***   ***
     July 9,2011
            South Sudan Independence Celebration Day in July 9, 2011

  ****   2Review **** 2ward hopping modern civilization at new birth of Southern Sudan-Africa; the 193 recognized state under United Nations Country's over the earth planet.

‎07/ 9th historical day in Sudan is being prepared for losing its status as "Africa's biggest country"!! #Peace 2University of Life *See years goes within good inner &intentions cross peoples basic Human rights ... Moments for this land to rest in peaceful life and co-existence model over the continent and whole world interests alliances&co-operations based on biggest deals;investments;people & business movements toward represent the goodness away from devils & Evils doubts & prospective among Man kinds inside the state &other regions # No more wars;No more troubles.

Congrats for New Southern Sudan State best wishes in peace;progress; development;basic Human rights considerations; all goodwill.Sudan no more Wars; its enough.Cheers for the new birth with highly recommendations beings peer with highest upgrade and developed or advance nations.

Successes of SS must goes on international co-operative&alliances for interests demands should be an agreeable points for SS-State new future building and structure output into the world.No doubts with goodwill for peaceful democratic terms achievements could be a proper propaganda inside territories of new South Sudan state international diplomatic identity&recognition needed among 192 states over the world either in Asia;Africa;Mideast; Europe;North or South America; Australia.Best wishes for people newest internationalism border territory for more alliances on basic Human rights interests momentum in the region regardless any kinda of interference collapse&clashes to a wars through an open heart&mind consciously where nationalism businesses & interests looks in both borders getting protected via an international diplomat perceptional mentally because recent dealers with Sudan could change their strategics policy via a modern models of civilizations deals & benefits of exchange by highly considerations for civic structure of Sudan&roots of Human beings&grace of the land instability&developments backgrounds with no more doubts among new generations gaps in Sudan were are lost boys and so on. Independence & legacy of international thinkers& decisions makers over the world must turn on positive toward benefiting from natural Sudan resources much availability among other States inside the continent and over the world; hand in hand with an inner goodwill with those helpers to protect&save basic Human rights"Food;Water;Energy;e​tc." for both Southern&Northern Sudanese Man kinds&global citizenship's dealers with the country.Goodluck South Sudan in pure & fresh equatorial line weathers smelling bright future of new birth of the state co-exists locally&globally regardless race or ethnic groups; believes or religions; languages; Colors;etc.I stand by side of those let it works via goodness hoping&building past; present; and future generations youthfully& delightfully. 
HoneyBee for Southern Sudan flowering yard of coming generations of boys&girls inside the Continent model and whole over the globe.Go big blowing & glorying highest than higher.Nations over the world regions in America; Africa; Asia; Australia; Europe; Mid-east should changing expectations of deals lets stand up in silence and respect; land of milk,honey and hard-working people with helping hands from pioneer hardest & largest country's growth anywhere;anytime.For peace; liberty; and justice and sing songs of freedom with joy shall forever more reign; so lord bless South Sudan !

Lyrics of the new anthem, South Sudan Oyee!:

Oh God!
We praise and glorify you
For your grace upon Cush,
The land of great warriors
And origin of world's civilization.
Oh Cush!
Arise, shine, raise your flag with the guiding star
And sing songs of freedom with joy,
For peace, liberty and justice
Shall forever more reign.
So Lord bless South Sudan!
Oh black warriors!
Let's stand up in silence and respect,
Saluting millions of martyrs whose
Blood cemented our national foundation.
We vow to protect our nation.
Oh Eden!
Land of milk and honey and hard-working people,
Uphold us united in peace and harmony.
The Nile, valleys, forests and mountains
Shall be our sources of joy and pride.
So Lord bless South Sudan!
Go Forward & overcome strength South Sudan best wishes&hopping individually or within groups as said for courage successes of Man kinds there; Dr. John Grang(R.I.P) & pioneer freedoms fighter & writer were under typical words below:
I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to solve.
I asked for courage and God gave me dangers to overcome
I asked for love and God gave me troubled people to help
I asked for everything so I could enjoy life. 
Instead, He gave me life so I could enjoy everything.
I received nothing I wanted, I received everything I needed.
  Fly above the sky;lets the wind wave you high and high; .Keeps up, free,&great, get up; stand up.Moving moving moving forward

So Lord bless South & North Sudan lands & peoples;Africa; and whole World!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Youth world on past revolutions history(o.f. China) compared among present revolutions(Tunisia,Egypt,etc.) for future prosperity, progress,welfare of current generations

Between T & T: Tiananmen Square Massacre(April.15,1989)The Student Democracy Movement, Beijing China And Tahrir Square (Jan.2011)Egypt, Africa Young Egyptians Anti-Mubarak admins-tor Movement: Just watch the series and compare:

No Lie's let's continue watching on real Defacto's among the past and present world series between people Rights and anti-Rights movements...!!!!
Tahrir Square Protests :

Continue memorize it...!!!
Tiananmen Square Massacre:-
Continue watch on it...!!!

Tahrir Square Protests:-
Above all there's not only youth protector's, also plenty of old people and youngest people participate forward getting their rights ....amazed me!!!
However, I don't want see innocents victims die, hurt, or injured..We must call for peace and bill of rights back to those needs indeed.....!!!

          Get Up, Stand Up - Live (Bob Marley)